Welcome to my blog!

I’ve been writing for a living for about a decade now and I can tell you just as well as anyone – writing ain’t easy! No amount of coffee or AI assistants can change that!

But the hardest part is just getting started.

That’s what this website is designed to help you do: to get started.

To get started on your new job.

To get started in your new side hustle.

To get started on your new blog.

To get started getting started!

Who am I?

Apart from being a professional writer, I’m also the founder of one of the world’s top trading card game blogs: JosephWriterAnderson.com.

I know how hard it is to get started because I started that website from scratch and grew its audience to millions of readers each year. But what did that blog look like when it just began?

Well…it looked a lot like this one!

I’m excited to get back to my roots and talk about some of the ins-and-outs of writing, entreprenuership, the difficulties and joys of being a small business owner, and most of all – the art of blogging for money….or skyr.

What’s Skyr?

Well basically at its core this blog is all about how to make a living from your side hustle. In my case, I eat a ton of Skyr – a special yogurt that hails from a small island called Iceland where my family is from. So where does all of my money go? Well…mostly to Skyr because that’s a big percentage of my diet.

You will have your own things you want to spend your money on, but the point of this blog is to help you be inspired and knowledgeable to start making that money for whatever it is that makes up 20% of your diet.

This blog may have just gotten started, but there’s so much more to come! So if you’re ready to start your journey towards real wealth and writing goodliness, you’ve come to the right place!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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